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Williams’ Constitution Pipeline Supports Local Park Maintenance


Constitution Pipeline recently provided a $10,000 grant to the Broome County Department of Parks and Recreation for the purchase of a new mower.

The new Husqvarna mower will service the needs of Otsiningo Park, a major park located just north of Binghamton, N.Y., and home of the annual Spiedie Fest and Balloon Rally.

The Constitution grant supports a county initiative to replace outdated maintenance equipment. Aging, non-serviceable mowers used at ten Broome County Parks facilities will be replaced, enhancing the quality of service provided to the more than 2 million annual parks visitors.

Attendance at Broome County parks has increased by 158,000 from 2011 to 2014, with field use at 32,000 residents per year.

Dozens of charity-based walks, runs and special events draw several thousand visitors to the Greater Binghamton Area. The county parks are integral to area quality-of-life and economic stimulus, with excellent maintenance a key to continued success.


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