Williams Route 66 Marathon draws nearly 16,000 runners to Tulsa
Staff Reports
Marathon medals awaited runners at the finish line
Rob Hatley, VP of Communications & Strategic Outreach, started off the Sunday races
Patriotism was evident at th 2015 marathon
Signs of encouragement greeted runners throughout the course1
Volunteers keep runners hydrated at our water stop
The volunteers at Williams’ water stop include employees, neighbors and Girl Scouts
Marathon medals awaited runners at the finish line
Last weekend’s Williams Route 66 Marathon races were declared a success with 15,812 participants traveling from every state and 12 foreign countries. We’re proud to have been the title sponsor for the 10th annual event held in our headquarters city of Tulsa. Williams fielded more than 100 runners and 50 volunteers. Thanks to those employees who came from Oklahoma City, Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas and Pennsylvania to participate.
For those who want to get in on the fun next year registration for 2016 is open!