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Pennsylvania benefits from $381,000 in community grants

Community Grant Awards graphic for cycle 3

Fire departments, schools, hospitals and townships are a few of the 57 Pennsylvania organizations that will receive more than $381,000 in funding this spring from Williams through its bi-annual community grant program.

One of the 57 recipients is the Lebanon County Firefighters Association in Lebanon, Pa., which plans to use its $7,500 grant for renovating a classroom to conduct firefighter training.

“In Lebanon County, our students have been meeting in a space with no heat or air conditioning,” said Charles Killian, Lebanon County Firefighter’s Association.  “We would like to create a classroom environment that can provide a high level of training so that our firefighters are well equipped for dealing with local emergencies. This grant will be a tremendous benefit to us and we sincerely appreciate the support from Williams.”

Grants up to $10,000 per applicant are being awarded by Williams to eligible organizations in communities where the proposed Atlantic Sunrise pipeline project would be constructed and operated.

Since the grant program started in 2015, Williams has announced total awards of more than $1.09 million across the entire Atlantic Sunrise project area.

Two cycles of Atlantic Sunrise grant awards are announced each year (spring and fall). This cycle’s grant dollars were dispersed in the following broad categories: emergency response ($224,800), education ($58,250) and recreation or community enhancement projects ($98,500).

Grant applications can be completed here. Applications must be received by March 1 and September 1.

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