Williams President and CEO Alan Armstrong along with Senior Vice President of Corporate Strategic Development Chad Zamarin spent a recent afternoon at Bloomberg News in New York City for an editorial board meeting as well as live TV and radio interviews. The executives emphasized the importance of natural gas infrastructure in achieving climate goals, exporting energy overseas and keeping costs low for U.S. consumers.
“The ability of natural gas to solve the problems of both climate change and low-cost energy is tremendous and we have it right here in the U.S.,” Armstrong told Bloomberg’s Romain Bostick during a live television interview on Bloomberg Markets.

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“We have an abundance of resource here in the U.S. and thankfully we have low-cost resources as well in our natural gas basins,” said Armstrong. “Our challenge today, and the reason we have high prices here today, is because the producers are constrained with the capacity to get out of the basins they are in.”
To relieve those constraints, additional infrastructure will need to be built or projects that have been stalled by permitting obstacles will need to be completed. Armstrong said he is hopeful that the regulatory environment toward natural gas pipelines is showing signs of improvement thanks in part to the efforts of the U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.
“We have really seen an unleashing of a lot of new projects being permitted here just in the last month or and so we are seeing some positive movement,” said Armstrong, adding that more can be done. “We are going to need some collective will to get the infrastructure permitted. We know how to build pipelines safely and we know how to build them in an environmentally friendly manner.”
Listen to Armstrong on the Bloomberg podcast at time stamp 25:55.

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