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What we learned as Williams interns

Be open minded, make connections and learn as much as you can. This is the advice from some of our interns after spending their summer with Williams.

 The 65 university and operations interns are wrapping up their internships in office and field locations across the country.

Williams interns perform meaningful work, gaining first-hand industry and business knowledge, new mentors and lasting friendships.

“Our interns help to create a clean energy future by bringing innovation, influence, and insights to their projects, all of which greatly contribute to their teams and our company,” said Leonelle Thompson, manager, Early Career at Williams. 

We asked our interns to share insight and advice from their summer experiences. Here is what several of them had to say:

“My biggest takeaway from my internship at Williams is, “Don’t be afraid to reach out.” – Lauren Agpoon, business intern, University of Tulsa.

“If I had to give advice to future interns, I would tell them to try and learn as much as you can. While you do have a limited time here, the number of resources you have is incredible.” – Duncan Ille, engineering intern, Oklahoma State University.

“The biggest lesson I learned is knowing that it’s okay to make mistakes. There are people behind you to show you the way and ensure you learn from it.” – Madison Fischer, information technology intern, University of Tulsa.

“The biggest piece of advice I would give to future Williams interns would be to always show up on time, with a great attitude, and be willing to help others.” – Trey Rolfs, operations technician intern, Barton Community College.

“Future interns, be open minded and seek to learn from employees from different groups and backgrounds.” – Livia Lanna, engineering intern, University of Pittsburgh.

Interested in learning more about our internship or full-time opportunities? Click here for more.

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