Williams’ Northwest Pipeline (NWP) is a leading example of how our experience and operational excellence has enabled us to meet growing demand in the Pacific Northwest without additional capacity or storage capabilities. Each year, new peak day records are established in the region, with winter 2023/2024’s peak day exceeding the previous year by 11%.
On Monday, January 15, 2024, Northwest Pipeline established a new all-time peak day with volumes transported to market areas and interconnect deliveries in excess of 4.46 million dekatherms eclipsing the previous peak day established in December 2022 of 4.03 million dekatherms. The system is designed for 3.86 million dekatherms illustrating the significant demand experienced over the weekend. A new all-time three-day peak from January 13th – 15th of 13.2 billion cubic feet was also established with transportation volumes and deliveries averaging 4.39 million dekatherms per day eclipsing the previous three day peak of 11.7 billion cubic feet in December 2022.
Williams introduced operational efficiencies on NWP to maintain energy reliability and keep prices stable during high-demand periods. NWP has experienced a 34% growth in transported volumes since 2013 and has established a new annual throughput record for four of the past five years, all without a net increase in mainline infrastructure additions.
We expect peak demand to continue to increase as LNG markets expand, Washington state’s coal-fired power plant ban comes into effect and new data centers are installed in the region. To support future energy reliability, Williams is pursuing a deliberate, phased and stakeholder informed expansion strategy along NWP. We are also using our robust storage solutions and pursuing projects to debottleneck supply to provide peak day solutions. These strategies, supported by our legacy of going above and beyond to provide energy reliability, will continue to make NWP a catalyst for economic development in the Pacific Northwest.