2021 Sustainability Report

2021 Sustainability Report

2021 Sustainability Report

As one of the nation’s leading energy infrastructure companies, we are committed to leveraging our large-scale natural gas network for the benefit of tomorrow and generations to come.

2021 Report

Our annual Sustainability Report uses both qualitative descriptions and quantitative measures to describe our policies, programs, practices, and performance in environmental, social, and governance areas.

Williams 2021 Diversity Data

Gender Diversity

Ethnic Diversity

Performance Highlights


No. 1 in peer group in Dow Jones Sustainability Index for 2021


Reduced pipeline blowdown GHG emissions by average of 84% when using recompression technology

Providing Clean & Reliable Energy

Public Policy
Climate Change
Public Perception
Energy Access

Minimizing Our Footprint

Environmental Compliance
Air Emissions
Biodiversity & Land Use
Water Stewardship
Operational Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Protecting People & Strengthening Infrastructure

Workforce Safety
Workforce Health
Pipeline Safety
Public Safety

Building an Empowered Workforce

Employee Attraction, Retention & Development
Diversity & Inclusion

Strengthening Communities

Protecting Human Rights
Community Investment
Indigenous People
Landowner Relations
Community Relations
Supply Chain Management & Responsible Procurement
As one of the nation’s leading energy providers, we are committed to leveraging our large-scale natural gas infrastructure for the benefit of tomorrow and generations to come. ALAN S. ARMSTRONG, WILLIAMS PRESIDENT AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER