Project Updates – September 2023
Carbonate Tap Expansion
- Project summary: New 3.5 mile lateral and meter station providing 47,000 Dth/d eastbound capacity on MWOP
- Targeted in-service date: September 1, 2023
- Status: Fully subscribed, FERC Prior Notice filed January 2023 (Docket #CP23-37)
- Contact: Jack Czapiga at (801) 694-0740

Opal East Expansion
- Project summary: New 1 mile lateral and meter station providing 267,000 Dth/d eastbound capacity on MWOP
- Targeted in-service date: December 1, 2023
- Status: Fully subscribed, FERC Prior Notice filed in May 2023 (Docket #CP23-478)
- Contact: Jack Czapiga at (801) 694-0740
Westbound Compression Expansion
- Project summary: Add incremental 325,000 Dth/d of east to west firm transportation (Wamsutter to KRGT Roberson) on MWOP
- Targeted in-service date: December 1, 2026
- Status: Open season closed March 14, 2023
- Contact: Jack Czapiga at (801) 694-0740
Contact Information