Benefits of U.S. LNG

Benefits of U.S. LNG

Benefits of U.S. LNG

Emissions don’t know borders, but within the United States we have the resources to reduce global emissions — by exporting LNG.

Not only is U.S. LNG the most powerful tool available to reduce global emissions by displacing coal, it’s the only solution to reliably and safely meet growing energy demand while reducing emissions right now.

The shift to natural gas is directly responsible for an approximate 60% reduction of domestic power sector CO2 emissions. But U.S. efforts and successes are futile with CO2 emissions on the rise in other countries, like India and China.

Williams’ natural gas infrastructure is well-positioned to support growing U.S. LNG export demand.

U.S. LNG export volumes are expected to more than double along Williams’ Transco pipeline through the next decade.

Read our latest report to learn how abundant U.S. natural gas supply, and expanding LNG export capabilities, can reduce emissions now.