Socrates Power Solution Facilities


Will-Power’s proposed Socrates North and South projects are advanced power generation facilities in New Albany, Ohio, spanning approximately 20 acres each. The project involves two separate power generation sites, with a combined generating capacity of 400 megawatts, as each site provides 200 megawatts. These projects will help bolster Ohio’s economy, further establishing the Columbus metro area as a growing hub for technology and innovation. 

Safety and environmental stewardship are our top priorities, and we are committed to being good neighbors and responsible business partners in the greater Columbus area. The project will be regulated by the Ohio Power Siting Board (OPSB) and once approved the project’s target in-service date is planned for the third quarter of 2026. 

Project Benefits

Local Energy Reliability: By providing a reliable behind-the-meter power source, the project supports local workers building Ohio power generation without impacting utility customers. 

Minimize Environmental Impact: The facilities are designed with high-efficiency natural gas turbine and engine technology, along with best-in-class emission controls technology. The facility will meet or exceed ​applicable ​state and federal environmental standards. 

Construction Activities 

The project includes building two power generation facilities powered by natural gas. 

Scope of Work 

  • Includes building two new power generation facilities with electrical substations. 
  • Committed generation capacity of 400MW. 

Socrates North Timeline

[2025 Q1] – Initial Public Outreach 

[2025 Q2] – Ohio Power Siting Board Application 

[2025 Q3] – Target Construction Start 

[2026 Q3] – Target In-Service Date 

Socrates South Timeline

[2025 Q1] – Ohio Siting Board Application 

[2025 Q2] – Target Construction Start

[2026 Q3] – Target In-Service Date


Toll-free: 1-888-275-9084

OPSB’s case number for the Socrates North project is 25-0188-EL-BGN and Socrates South project is 25-0185-EL-BLN. To view filings for the Will-Power, OH LLC use the links provided below. All filings for Will-Power can be accessed on the OPSB website.

Socrates North case and documents

Socrates South case and documents

Will-Power, LLC Socrates North Public Information Meetings 

Will-Power, LLC will host public information meetings on March 25 and April 1. These meetings will be held from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at New Albany-Plain Local Schools Annex Building located at 79 N High Street, New Albany, OH 43054. 

Information about the project will be available in an open house, posterboard session format. Attendees are welcome to drop by anytime from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. to speak with representatives who will be on hand to answer any questions about the project. 

Landowner Letter 

Download the Socrates North fact sheet here.